среда, 8 октября 2014 г.

Настройка ClamAV для фильтрации zip-архивов с исполняемыми файлами в почтовых вложениях.

Cоздаём файл в /var/db/clamav/archive.zmd c содержимым:

Перегружаем clamd.

Описание формата строки:
The (now obsolete) archive metadata signatures can be only applied to ZIP and RAR files and have the following format: 
virname:encrypted:filename:normal size:csize:crc32:cmethod:fileno:max depth
where the corresponding fields are:
• Virus name
• Encryption flag (1 – encrypted, 0 – not encrypted)
• File name (this is a regular expression - * to ignore)
• Normal (uncompressed) size (* to ignore)
• Compressed size (* to ignore)
• CRC32 (* to ignore)
• Compression method (* to ignore)
• File position in archive (* to ignore)
• Maximum number of nested archives (* to ignore)
The database file should have the extension of .zmd or .rmd for zip or rar metadata

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