1.Install IPSI board into Gateway/Cabinet if new install. See bottom of form if swap.
2.Configure your laptop’s Ethernet port to and
3.Connect laptop via Cross-Over Cable to Services port on front of IPSI board.
4.On your laptop, select Start, Run, and then type cmd in the space and hit enter.
5.At DOS prompt, type telnet
6.When connected, you should see an [IPSI]: command prompt.
7.Type the word ipsilogin and hit enter.
8.Type the words craft (for the user) and serv1ces (for the password). Note: the letter i in services is replaced with the number 1. You should be at the [IPADMIN]: prompt.
9.Now type set control interface [ipsi ip address] [subnet] and hit enter. Use the IPSI IP address and Subnet from above without the brackets.
10.Type exit and hit enter.
11.Now log into the IPSI board again using step 4 through 8 then come back to step 12.
12.Now type set control gateway [gateway ip] and hit enter. Use the Gateway IP from above. The customer may not have a LAN Gateway in use for the IPSIs, so this step may not be necessary.
13.Type exit and hit enter.
14.Now log into the IPSI board again using step 4 through 8 then come back to step 15.
15.Type show control interface and check to make sure the IP addressing matches the above info.
16.Type reset and hit enter, then type y and hit enter to confirm IPSI board.
17.Now log into the IPSI board again using step 4 through 8 then come back to step 18.
18.Type show control interface to make sure the IPSI board reset was successful.
19.Type exit and hit enter to exit the IPSI command line interface.
20.Type exit and hit enter to close the DOS window.
3.Connect laptop via Cross-Over Cable to Services port on front of IPSI board.
4.On your laptop, select Start, Run, and then type cmd in the space and hit enter.
5.At DOS prompt, type telnet
6.When connected, you should see an [IPSI]: command prompt.
7.Type the word ipsilogin and hit enter.
8.Type the words craft (for the user) and serv1ces (for the password). Note: the letter i in services is replaced with the number 1. You should be at the [IPADMIN]: prompt.
9.Now type set control interface [ipsi ip address] [subnet] and hit enter. Use the IPSI IP address and Subnet from above without the brackets.
10.Type exit and hit enter.
11.Now log into the IPSI board again using step 4 through 8 then come back to step 12.
12.Now type set control gateway [gateway ip] and hit enter. Use the Gateway IP from above. The customer may not have a LAN Gateway in use for the IPSIs, so this step may not be necessary.
13.Type exit and hit enter.
14.Now log into the IPSI board again using step 4 through 8 then come back to step 15.
15.Type show control interface and check to make sure the IP addressing matches the above info.
16.Type reset and hit enter, then type y and hit enter to confirm IPSI board.
17.Now log into the IPSI board again using step 4 through 8 then come back to step 18.
18.Type show control interface to make sure the IPSI board reset was successful.
19.Type exit and hit enter to exit the IPSI command line interface.
20.Type exit and hit enter to close the DOS window.
If this is a replacement of an IPSI board in a IP-Connect configuration, you need to log into the IPSI (if possible) and retrieve the existing IP addresses if they are not available from the customer. You may also retrieve them from the S87XX/S8500. Write those addresses down on the form and use those to configure the new IPSI board.
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